Vargen Ylar i Månens Sken
Sadly I haven't had any desire to paint my nails lately because they started breaking and I had to cut them all down really short. But fortunately they have grown back a bit now and I feel like painting them again! So this Saturday was the first time in a while that I painted my nails.
Autumn is definitely here now and that means that it gets darker at nights which I find really cozy because in the summers it's almost never dark outside in Sweden. This manicure was inspired by the foggy moonlit nights that are coming soon.
I started by painting my nails with the black polish FlorMar Supershine 40 and then sponged on the white Alix Avien 60 with a regular make-up sponge in several layers to get the gradient look.
Yesterday I did an update on this manicure by painting a sheer red polish over my nails in honor of the Swedish election. Unfortunately the outcome of the election was that we now have a xenophobic party in the Swedish parliament.
(Sorry about the weird picture but the polish is so shiny that it was impossible to photograph any other way)
jag älskar de rödsvarta naglarna. hur får du de två lacken att smälta ihop så snyggt?
kunde inte sagt det bättre än vad jennifer sade ^^ kom att tänka på vampyrer och blod (usch vad brutalt det lät) när jag såg dem, typ queen of darkness :)
alltså jag MÅSTE bara fråga och jag hoppas verkligen på ett svar för har undrat det ett tag ^^ hur får du färgerna att smälta ihop så där? jag har försökt med det ser bara kladdigt och.. blääää!! vill oxå kunna sånt där så det inte blir så skarpa linjer och sånt.. :) /Emma